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Hebert Caetano

To achieve mastery of your dance, you have the right equation: technique+science . ..

Hebert Caetano Teacher and Choreographer of Classical Ballet and Contemporary Dance

Dance has art, technique and interpretation as its fundamental pillars, in addition to the incessant search for neuromuscular balance — that is, the body and mind working in full homeostasis.

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About me

Enraptured by a social project, I started dreaming of becoming a dancer. Faced with so many physical difficulties, I learned to shape my body. Strengthen, train and rehearse. A daily cycle.

The physical preparation, technique and training were able to take me to the stages by the main companies in the country! It was never luck, it was always work.

I believed with dedication and sweat . Today, I teach what I believe. And what I believe is becauseI did it!

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Ballet dancer



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"After I started taking Hebert's private lessons, I realized that my musculature is getting stronger and how much this is helping me with the dance. I'm finding it easier to perform movements that require leg support and balance. At each class I feel that I evolve and gain more strength; in addition to feeling more energetic, and this is the result of the work of an excellent professional!"

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